Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
a member of the Church of the Lutheran Confession
Follow Me: Discipleship according to Saint Matthew
The goal of this course is to study the whole gospel of Matthew. Matthew reveals to us how Jesus taught his disciples to make disciples of others. Matthew tells us to watch Jesus, learn who he is, and see his compassion and power and how he ushers in the kingdom of God. Watch him die for our sins and rise again. As we do this, we will be willing and able to follow him and grow in our ability to live for him.
Individual Lessons
Matthew 1: Who Is Calling Us to Follow Him?
Matthew 2: We Follow a King Who Is Received Only by Faith
Matthew 3: The Kingdom of God Is at Hand
Matthew 4: Follow Me—I Am Your Righteousness
Matthew 5: Live as Members of My Kingdom
Matthew 6: Follow Me In Piety and Trust
Matthew 7: Serve the World with the Gospel
Matthew 8: Follow Me—For I Have Authority and Compassion
Matthew 9: Follow Me—For I Give You Forgiveness
Matthew 10: Bring Others into My Kingdom of Grace
Matthew 11: Follow Me For Who I Am
Matthew 12: Let Nothing Harden You against My Message
Matthew 13: Boldly Spread the Message of the Kingdom
Matthew 14 & 15: Be Separate from the World
Matthew 16: Taking up Your Cross
Matthew 17: Share in My Glory
Matthew 18: Forgive as I Have Forgiven You
Matthew 19: Marriage, Children, and Possessions
Matthew 20:1 - 21:11: Follow Me to Jerusalem
Matthew 21:12-46: Bear Witness against Unbelief
Matthew 22: Follow Me With a Pure Heart
Matthew 23: Find Refuge under My Wings
Matthew 24:1-35: Always Watching for My Return
Matthew 24:36 - 25:46: Follow Me Until I Return
Matthew 26:1-46: I Go Ahead of You
Matthew 26:47 - 27:10: I Must Go to the Cross Alone
Matthew 27:11-56: Our King Goes into Battle
Matthew 27:57 - 28:20: Lead Others to Follow Me